If you like to fish tandem rigs in which the dropper is connected to the tag end of the tippet knot, then Devin Olsen of Tactical Fly Fisher has a cool idea for you. Rather of utilizing a cosmetic surgeon’s knot or a blood knot, attempt a figure-8 (or “figure-of-8,” as Devon calls it) knot. It’s simple to connect, even with cold fingers, and it might be more powerful than the competitors. Here’s what Devin states:
A bit over a year ago our previous store supervisor Kramer Bookman began evaluating the Figure of 8 Knot for his dropper tags. He discovered they were regularly more powerful than a Cosmetic surgeon’s Knot. I’m constantly eager to offer a brand-new knot a go so I began evaluating the Figure of 8 Knot myself. It has now become my go to knot for developing dropper tags in my tippet. The knot is the greatest tippet knot I have actually utilized and is extremely fast and simple to connect too. It’s a win win!