Household has actually constantly been a vital part of the steelheader’s journey. From all strolls of life, no angler is totally self-taught. Whether from your life partner, your moms and dads, your buddies, your guides, your visitors, and even your neighborhood, it takes a household to make an angler. Missy MacDonald is no exception. As the owner and operator of The Steelhead Home, an intimate steelhead lodge nestled on the coasts of the magnificent Skeena River, Missy and her partner Darren have actually been cultivating their steelhead household for several years. You might not be linked through blood, however if you remain in pursuit of wild fish with a fishing pole, you’re household to them. And this household isn’t gon na stop growing anytime quickly. Both Missy and Darren are accomplished anglers and stewards of both the resource and the culture. To them, it’s one huge household. And in this household, everybody is united by commonalities.
Place: British Columbia
Types: Salmon, Steelhead
Directed by Chase White and Jordie Lepage
Produced by Topo Movies