Our regional waters are forming up for fantastic summertime dry fly fishing. The water is a bit high, however is dropping into its summertime streams which will continue up until fall. There are loads of bugs out consisting of PMDs, Green Drakes, Green Caddis, Gold Stones, and Yellow Sallys. Fishing a Dry Dropper is a fantastic method to cover both bases and search on the surface area and subsurface at the same time

Green Drakes are hatching in abundance, specifically on overcast days: here are some store Favorites: Film Critic Green Drake #10, Stalcup’s Green Drake #10-12, or aDJL Green Drake #10-12 For Gold Stones we like: Advanced Stimmy Yellow #8-12, Bareback Gold Stone #6, Yellow Stimulator # 10, or the flies noted below for dry droppers. PMD’s we like a range of: Tactical Cahill #16, Sparkle Flag PMD #16, Almost Dun PMD #16, or aRusty Spinner #16-18 Finally Green Mckenzie Caddis are out completely force, attempt these: Green Caddis # 12 or a CDC Green Caddis #12.

Searching with a Dry Dropper is a great method to find fish, and is a rig that you can utilize throughout the day. Great dries for your rig consist of: Chubby Chernobyl: Gold #8-12, Gold Stone Water Walker #8, or aGold Stone Fluttering Stone #8 Option Droppers consist of: Weiss’s Possum Anchor #12-14, Dally’s Tailwater Jig #14, TJ Hooker #10-12, Frenchie #12.

Nymphing is still efficient if dries aren’t producing. Fish a bigger stone in tandem with something smaller sized. For bigger choices attempt these: Tungsten Trout Retriever #8, Jigged Girdle Bug #10-12, or aPat’s Rubber Legs #8-10 For smaller sized choices attempt these Olsen’s Blowtorch #16, Sens’ Improved 20 Incher #12, or aDouble Down Pheasant Tail #14

Swinging wets this time of year is incredibly efficient for the Green Caddis hatch and PMDs. For Green Caddis attempt: Sens’ McKenzie Wet #12, Mckenzie Wet # 12, orBiot Swimmer Green Caddis #14 For PMDs attempt these: Light Cahill Wet #14, Soft Emerger PMD #14, or a Soft Hackle Thorax Bead Orange #16.
Visit the store if you require anything, we more than happy to assist. Have a good time out there!
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– Simon