In this video, Greg connects an October caddis stimulator fly pattern for fall trout fishing.
The stimulator was promoted by Randall Kaufmann in the 1980’s and can be incorporated various colors and sizes. A traditional attractor pattern for caddis, stoneflies, and far more.
Utilized as a dry fly, dry/dropper or a skater this fly has actually produced lots of fish and needs to remain in everyone’s fly box.
Hook: TMC 200 Size 10
Thread: UTC Burnt Orange 70d
Tail: Elk Hair
Rib: Ultra Wire Gold Small
Body Hackle: Brown Hackle
Dubbing: SLF Kaufmann’s Dubbing Brown Stone
STS Trilobal Hot Orange
Underwing: Krystal Flash Hot Orange
Wing: Elk Hair
Collar: Grizzly Hackle
SLF Kaufmann’s Dubbing Golden Stone
Loc Tite
Hard as Hull Penetrator Cement