Fly Tying Materials and Supplies

Pyramid Lake Popcorn Beetle: Stillwater Pattern

Pyramid Lake Popcorn Beetle: Stillwater Pattern In this video, Simon connects a tested pattern for beast Lahontan Cuttroat Trout in Pyramid lake. It is that time of year where anglers all over the world are getting ready with imagine capturing an enormous Lahontan...

Flats Probe: Flats Fly Tutorial

Flats Probe: Flats Fly Tutorial In this video, Simon connects a killer attractor flats fly. This fly would work excellent throughout the caribbean for Bonefish, License, and anything else travelling the flats. It is connected utilizing Hareline's brand-new painted brass eyes. The...

Bubble Back BWO: Nymph Tying Tutorial

Bubble Back BWO: Nymph Tying Tutorial In this video, Simon connects his secret winter season nymph that he does not leave home without. The Bubble back BWO is connected to mimic a rising Baetis nymph emerging to hatch and is among his most...

Snowshoe BWO Emerger: Dry Fly Tying Tutorial

Snowshoe BWO Emerger: Dry Fly Tying Tutorial In this video, Simon connects a tested Bluewing Olive (BWO) Emerger. Bluewinged Olives typically hatch on cloudy, overcast days. Since of the cooler, often damp conditions, it can take them longer to emerge and dry their wings....

Mohair Scruff Golden Stone: Nymph Tying Tutorial

Mohair Scruff Golden Stone: Nymph Tying Tutorial In this video, Simon binds a killer golden stone pattern which utilizes numerous brand-new items that hareline launched this fall. The incredibly buggy looking product is called mohair scruff and it produces incredibly buggy nymphs, chenille for...

Nuclear Comet: Chinook Fly Tying Tutorial

Nuclear Comet: Chinook Fly Tying Tutorial In this video, Simon connects a fancy take on the timeless Fall Chinook fly called the Comet. When the water is clear, the basic agreement is that Fall Chinook will consume remarkably little flies for such a...

Spanish Perdigon Trout Fly Pattern

Spanish Perdigon Trout Fly Pattern In this video, Greg connects a basic however really reliable perdigon fly in black & & red. A little fly pattern created to drop rapidly, this fly can be incorporated various colors and sizes to simulate practically any...

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