fly-tying tips

Video: How to Tie the Classic Bivisible

Video: How to Tie the Classic Bivisible

The Bivisible is among those reliable patterns that you'll still discover in numerous anglers' boxes today. Although nobody understands for specific who initially covered these contrasting hackles on a hook together, this specific pattern is frequently credited to Edward...

Video: Understanding Different Kinds of Hackle

Video: Understanding Different Kinds of Hackle A couple of years back, we released a brand-new series of videos called " One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Methods" from Tim Flagler ofTightline Productions Each video will teach a single connecting ability, from one of the most...

Video: How to Tie the Parachute Peccary Isonychia

Video: How to Tie the Parachute Peccary Isonychia

Fly tiers are constantly searching for brand-new products that provide something unique to make patterns look or fish much better. Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions reveals you how peccary hair (in some cases called peccary quills) can assist develop...

Video: How to Whip-Finish and Cut Your Thread Without Tools

Video: How to Whip-Finish and Cut Your Thread Without Tools Here's the most recent installation in the video series called " One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Strategies" from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions Each video teaches a single connecting ability, from one of the most fundamental to the...

Video: How to Make a Sparkle Pupa Body

Video: How to Make a Sparkle Pupa Body Here's the current installation in the video series called " One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Methods" from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions Each video teaches a single connecting ability, from one of the most standard to the advanced....

Video: How to Hold Your Scissors While Tying

Video: How to Hold Your Scissors While Tying Here's the current installation of our series of videos called " One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Methods" from Tim Flagler ofTightline Productions Each video teaches a single connecting ability, from one of the most fundamental to the advanced....

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