fly-tying videos

Video: How to Tie the Parachute Peccary Isonychia

Video: How to Tie the Parachute Peccary Isonychia

Fly tiers are constantly searching for brand-new products that provide something unique to make patterns look or fish much better. Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions reveals you how peccary hair (in some cases called peccary quills) can assist develop...

Video: How to Whip-Finish and Cut Your Thread Without Tools

Video: How to Whip-Finish and Cut Your Thread Without Tools Here's the most recent installation in the video series called " One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Strategies" from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions Each video teaches a single connecting ability, from one of the most fundamental to the...

Video: How to Make a Sparkle Pupa Body

Video: How to Make a Sparkle Pupa Body Here's the current installation in the video series called " One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Methods" from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions Each video teaches a single connecting ability, from one of the most standard to the advanced....

Video: How to Hold Your Scissors While Tying

Video: How to Hold Your Scissors While Tying Here's the current installation of our series of videos called " One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Methods" from Tim Flagler ofTightline Productions Each video teaches a single connecting ability, from one of the most fundamental to the advanced....

Video: How to Tie the Mickey Finn

Video: How to Tie the Mickey Finn

The story of how the Mickey Finn got its name is available in numerous variations, however nobody contests that the pattern understood initially as the "Red and Yellow Bucktail" was promoted by renowned angler and author John Alden Knight...

Video: How to Tie the Glitter Bug

Video: How to Tie the Glitter Bug

A variation on the conventional Bomber, the Shine Bug was very first connected by Danny Bird of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, back in the 1990s. It's a pattern that can be fished both dry and damp, which indicates it...

Video: How to Tie the Tungsten Rainbow Dart

Video: How to Tie the Tungsten Rainbow Dart

In the current fantastic fly-tying video from Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler reveals you how to connect a fly that's a mash-up of 3 fantastic Lance Egan patters: The Rainbow Warrior, Tungsten Property Surveyor, and Red Dart. The concept is...

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