Summer Steelhead


Jim Sens Green Butt Silver Hilton: Fly Tying Video

Jim Sens joins us back at Caddis Fly to bind an efficient summer season steelhead pattern. Our guides and fellow steelhead lovers all swear by this fly-- it's simply among those flies all steelhead fishers ought to have in...


2022 Columbia River Summer Steelhead Update

by David Moskowitz, Executive Director and John McMillan, Director of Science In general, things are looking much better than anticipated for wild summer season steelhead in the Columbia River basin. Naturally, we're now getting in the dry, hot slog...


First Annual Umpqua Bass Bash

Join us Saturday, July 16th, as Native Fish Society hosts our very first yearly Umpqua Bass Celebration! This occasion, hosted on the mainstem Umpqua River, will assist get rid of Smallmouth Bass from the river and bring awareness to...


North Umpqua Wild Steelhead News

April 23rd -From the North Umpqua Union Oregon Steps Up Securities for Imperiled North Umpqua Summertime Steelhead Hatchery program ended to assist healing of renowned wild fish ASTORIA, Ore.-- Today, after 4 hours of discussion, remark, and consideration, the...


Columbia & Snake River Wild Steelhead in Crisis

From The Conservation Angler Engaging commentary on the Columbia River's Wild Steelhead Crisis from Rich Simms, co-founder of the Wild Steelhead Union. Read it HERE. Dean Finnerty, Director of Trout Unlimited's Wild Steelheaders United! Read it HERE. Both companies...


Resisting the call of the Deschutes – Chris Santella

Our good friend and preferred author Chris Santella had this viewpoint piece released in he Oregonian and just recently. Every March, I start eagerly anticipating late summertime afternoons at the mouth of the Deschutes River. The kaleidoscope of...

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