Euro Nymphing is not simply for trout! Tight Line, Euro Nymphing, Czech Nymphing and all the other names are a fantastic method to fly fish for panfish also! Initially formed for competitors fly fishing, Euro Nymphing utilizes heavy weighted flies and light tippet to come down quickly! Utilizing a sighter (colored piece of monofilament) vs a sign, the takes are quickly seen. Utilizing the Thomas & Thomas Contact 2 fishing pole, I got lots of bend from these little men!
Epic fly rod 476 Fastglass Review (Hands-On, Tested, On a small stream in New Zealand)
The Legendary 476 Fastg; ass from Swift Fly Fishing (Based in Wanaka, New Zealand) is a fibreglass rod created for fragile discussion. In this video, we checked it out in our of backcountry little stream and it worked relatively...