This is my established for French nymphing in these conditions- the flies are heavy since I wish to fish them sluggish and deep- Overnight there was a frost- brilliant conditions and the stream at dry spell levels- this should be practically the longest duration without rain in North east England- So tough conditions that the french leader remained in essence developed for- to see it in action see French Nymphing Recorded by James Heron. Thanks as constantly to all at Derwent Fishing Association for their assistance.
Epic fly rod 476 Fastglass Review (Hands-On, Tested, On a small stream in New Zealand)
The Legendary 476 Fastg; ass from Swift Fly Fishing (Based in Wanaka, New Zealand) is a fibreglass rod created for fragile discussion. In this video, we checked it out in our of backcountry little stream and it worked relatively...