With the release of the brand-new Primal Zone euro nymph series of fishing pole we just believed it sensible that we likewise equip you all with some “How To” details on the art of euro nymphing, or double nymphing, or czech nymphing or french nymphing or contact nymphing … or whatever you wish to call it!
Lubin Pfeiffer is a popular threat on the Australian and global compensation scene and no fishier human will you discover. Take a look at his summary on all things euro nymphing which covers off equipment, rigs, flies and strategies. It’s essentially a 13 minute masterclass that will debunk the method so you can strike the water completely equipped with details and all set to go.
Epic fly rod 476 Fastglass Review (Hands-On, Tested, On a small stream in New Zealand)
The Legendary 476 Fastg; ass from Swift Fly Fishing (Based in Wanaka, New Zealand) is a fibreglass rod created for fragile discussion. In this video, we checked it out in our of backcountry little stream and it worked relatively...