From Will Poston
Oregon’s Deschutes River will have a fishing season for summer season steelhead this year, revealed the Oregon Department of Fish & & Wildlife (ODFW). The summer season steelhead fishing season on the Deschutes will open on August 15th. Throughout the last couple of years, wild steelhead returns have actually been so low that fishery supervisors were required to close lots of river systems in the Pacific Northwest. The Deschutes, among the renowned steelhead rivers in the PNW, closed its summer season steelhead season in 2015, as runs were abysmally bad. Even as this year’s steelhead runs (and salmon, for that matter) are looking great– specifically compared to in 2015’s traditionally low runs– supervisors and stakeholders should not forget what historical runs appeared like. In the PNW, wild salmon and steelhead runs are portions of what they appeared like years back. Check out the remainder of the post HERE.